Thursday, July 12, 2007

Visit to Strausburg (France)

Hi Hi HI Everybody,

This past weekend we took a trip to the northeast coast of France (Issoudun is in the center) and we visited Strausburg in Alsace. Strausburg is now the seat of the European Parliment and it is an ideal place for it because in less than 100 years ( before 1945) the Alsatians (and Strausburg included) had to change nationality five times, alternating between France and Germany. It is for this reason that Alsace has a "German flavor" even though it's in France and one of it's culinary specialities is sourcrout! Here are a few photos. I tried to place them well but the computer has a mind of its own so I'll just go from the top left and down:
Top Left: Shopping in Strausburg
Top right: Got in by mistake. This is the sign on the Church in Strausburg where our first Mother General used to come to pray.

2nd row Left: Astronomical Clock (made in 1500) in the Strausburg Cathedral
2nd row right: the center of town
3rd row right and left: the Cathedral
4th row left: Bridge over the Rhone River connecting Germany and France. It's a walking bridge and we drove to Germany on another bridge and walked back to France on this one.
4th row right: The European Parliment Building
The photo that I wanted to put in (but Saint Louis got in instead) was of the Statue of Liberty because in a little town outside of Strausburg called Colmar - a man named Fedric Bartholdi sculpted the model for the Statue of Liberty. You can just imagine that there is a picture of it here as I haven't got any more time to play with this stuff at the moment.
Lots of love,


Maureen said...

The pictures are great. It looks like a beautiful city. It sounds like you're having a good time. I hope your thumb isn't giving you any problems.

Love ya,

Donna said...

Wow, what a city. The buildings are beautiful. It is nice that you are able to get out and see these wonderful places. Take care and lots of love

mmalack said...

Wow Linda, those pictures are really cool. Hope your thumb is better. Talk to you soon.
