Wednesday, July 4, 2007

History Lesson

John Hart was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, which was signed on this day in Philadelphia in 1776. John Hart was a representative of New Jersey (one of the 13 colonies represented for signing), hailing from Hopewell, NJ. John Hart is ALSO one of our ancestors on my Father's side!! How exciting!
He signed it in the fifth column, second signature from the bottom. Kinda hard to see, but check it out!


Maureen said...

Very Cool! We're also related to a Poet on Grandmom's side, but it's too early and I can't think of his name! I know I saw a statue of him in Canada though. Give me a couple hours it'll come to me.

Valerie said...

Robert Burns - Scottish Poet. Come on, Aunt Maureen!!!

Linda said...

A signer of the Declaration of Independence. Wow, that's really neat.

Lots of love,
Aunt Linda

Maureen said...

Oh yeah! That's him. I knew it was Robert but I forgot the Burns! Hey, it was early and I'm on vacation this week!