Sunday, July 1, 2007

I picked the worst bone to break!

Hi Everybody,

Just thought I'd keep you all posted on what's happening in this part of the world. I went to the orthopedic specialist on Thursday, expecting him to take off my cast (it's been more than a month now) and he took it off alright but put on another one! Apparently this particular bone (at the base of the thumb) takes 3 months to heal!!! Can you believe it. So it looks like I'll be going to Ireland in July (retreat and leisure) and to Congo in August (work), carrying around this cast. What a bummer. Love the photos of Addison and other stuff on the Blog.

Lots of love,


Valerie said...

Awww, Aunt Linda, I'm sorry!! But I know you'll make the best of where ever you are no matter what....cast or no cast! You were in my dream last night, by the way. Love you, miss you, bye!

Maureen said...

Well that's definitely a bummer, but it sounds like the travel should be both fun and interesting!. Your going to the Congo? Watch out for snakes!