Sunday, July 15, 2007

Addison Update

It's hard to believe but Addison is a month old today. Her eyes are still very blue so we're hoping they stay that way. She's more and more alert and is looking at everything and her litte mind is absorbing it all. Angela and Jonas asked Jennifer and Mike to be Addison's Godparents, and of course they are THRILLED! I can't wait until you all get to meet her. She'll be 6 months old when we come up in December.

Take care,


Jennifer said...

Godmother here...she may not look very big but look at the pictures coming home from the hospital. She really has grown. Soon we will be able to have her fitted for her wakeboard!!


Valerie said...

Congrats, Jen - that's so fun! I have a Godson and love him more than life. Just spent the whole weekend with him in the mountains, actually.

Anyway - is this REALLY Angela's baby? She looks way too girly!! Where is the mohawk and camo? Is that later?

Donna said...

Congrats Jen & Mike - I was surprised to see her in a dress too. She is beautiful. Can't wait to meet her.

mmalack said...

She's so cute. Can't wait to hold the little bunny....