Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Father's Day Challenge 2007

As many of you know, we had to postpone our Father's Day activities because Jonas was soooooo insistent on being included that he willed Addison to be born on Father's Day! Three weeks early!!!! So, we held our Father's Day challenge on July 4th. Below is a video that depicts the activities that took place. You should know most of the individuals involved except maybe one, Mike's cousin Kyle from Daytona. He is staying with Mike and Jenn for the summer. We look forward to next year's challenge!


Valerie said...

Dude - that was so hott!! I'm quite impressed at your film making skills. I need to learn me some of them.

Wait until Stevie sees this.....

Linda said...

What a terrific party - and what a nice idea to go all out for Father's Day (on the Fourth of July!). I liked the doubles tire race the best.

Lots of love,

Donna said...

The video was great, the day looked greater. Who comes up with these challenges? The blindfolded cart obstacle next to the lake with allegators may have been a bit dangerous but what fun. You guys are hilarious.