Sunday, June 17, 2007


Here is my house before the landscaping skills of Uncle Cliff came around!!!

I also have to thank everyone for the love, support, and help that was givin to me during this day...

---Valerie (worked so hard)

---Little Q (with a little bit of Jess -- thank you!!)

---Brianna (who came and worked hard before she had to go to work!)

---Pauly (who worked hard in between joy rides on my tractor)

---Katie, (who came home from working all morning to bust her butt in the dirt).

---Aunt Kathy, Aunt Donna, and Grandmom watched so well!

---Stevie(Me), I rolled my ankle at 8:00am and was pretty much a supervisor.

My family is the best -- thank you!! We were in a different kind of labor than Angela was. Congrats Angela & Jonas on your perfect baby daughter!!

Here is a picture of my house after Uncle Cliff came around to visit!!!


Maureen said...

The house looks great!! One question though....How did you get the grass greener in such a short amount of time???

Valerie said...

The first picture was taken in the winter.

I have pictures of the labor intensive weekend - good stuff. They are coming this week!

Donna said...

It was hard watching all you guys.

Linda said...

Wow, what a difference a day's work made with some elbow grease and a little know-how. Congratulations on getting a great new look for your house and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE.

Lots of love,
Aunt Linda