Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What a hardworking team!

Hi Everybody,
Here we are in the middle of Rome - working, working, working! From left to right is Sr. Relida, from Papua New Guinea, Sr. Marife, from the Philippines, moi and Gerardine. Besides our Cor Novum team (I'll send a photo of that team another time), I'm also on this team which is special for our congregation alone. We plan for all the initial and on-going formation programs in the congregation, make up useful materials for provinces and sometimes go as a team (with the help of Cor Novum) to give programs in other parts of the world. This time around we've perfected an assessment guide for use by vocation directors when they are interviewing prospective members as well as an evaluation tool for province formation programs. We've also planned programs for formators and our religious congregational leaders in South Africa and the Philippines for 2008/2009 so maybe I'll get to go to South Africa again after all!
Of course we did manage to go out for pizza one night and had a movie night twice. All work and no play makes for pretty boring people.
Lots of love to everyone. For Angela's baby I vote for July 4th, 6lbs 2oz.
I'm so proud of myself that I got the photo on!


Valerie said...

Aunt Linda - I'm proud of you, too! My mom can't even get on to say HELLO. But she reads things so...HI, GIN-GIN!!

Maureen said...

This is great! Good job getting the picture up. It sounds like you having a good time in Rome, even if it is a bunch of work. As far as Angela, you've already lost on the weight! At her Dr's. appointment on Friday Addison already weighed in at 6.9 lbs. I think she's coming early!

Donna said...

Linda - I am really proud of you. I haven't even checked into adding pictures yet. I had such a hard time getting to post I didn't want to push my luck. Glad you are having some fun time in Rome.