Monday, June 18, 2007

Pictures from Saturday!!!

I feel bad putting a post up after pretty little Addison's picture, but I'm sure we'll have more!! We'd better. However, while Angela was hosing down the Walmart on Saturday, here's some pictures of what the Northeast Corridor family was doing:

That is all one big weed train. Pauly actually pulled up one almost twice as long. Gross.

This is actually one of the times that Pauly was NOT joy-riding. He was in charge of dumping all the weeds & grass in the woods in the back. He did a great job!

This is the necklace that Stevie bought Katie for her birthday (which is tomorrow, by the way!!)

And while we were working VERY hard in the "Florida-esque" sun & heat, Grandmom & Aunt Kathy were sauntering around the mall. Grandmom bought the "Very sexy, infinity edge push up bra" from Victoria's Secret. That Katie has no shame!!!

And this is Bailey's huge head. Remember - she's still a puppy!!!
We have such a great family!!!


Linda said...

Great photos Valerie. It sure looks like it was a lot of fun amid all that hard work and I'm sure Stevie and Katie are thrilled to bits that thehave such a nice yard now.

Lots of love, Aunt Linda

Maureen said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! Love the pictures.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Katie!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you.