Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This beautiful baby led way to so many others. This baby is my grandmom....look at her face and her hand grip --- no one is messin with this girl!!!! She's my upper crust hero.

Look at this angel...so perfect! She's my Momma. Not only do I love her more than anything in the world...you should, too. She's got the best heart you'll ever meet, and she rolls with punches, accepts folks for who they are....you could only be so lucky to be like my Momma. I love her more than anything in the world. I'm so proud to be related to her!!! Goofy, perfect but weird lady!!!!

What a peach pie!!! I mean...this kid obviously will make mistakes as she grows up, but look in her eyes ---- she has great family genes!! You can tell her parents love her, and her granparents & siblings love her, too. And because I can look real hard....I see that all her aunts, uncles & cousins love her, too. Let me just tell you...if I know this girl, and I think I do.....SHE LOVES ALL OF YOU JUST AS MUCH IF NOT MORE AS YOU DO HER.

Just sayin. Love ya'll. Nite.


Linda said...

Way to go Valerie. A three generational spectacular gene line-up helped to make you YOU. And we all love you (also Mom and Gini of course!)

Much love,
Aunt Linda

Donna said...

Nice post. Love you Valerie!

Dayna said...

That was cool Valerie!!
Very nicely done.

Love Ya,

Maureen said...

We love you Valerie!!!!

Steve White said...

Good Work Goat!