Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hey Dayna...the reason we weren't posting about the Phils is because we were too busy celebrating!! I was at the World Series parade yesterday (thanks, Momma, for letting me miss your birthday! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!)!!
I was on Broad street, right between Lombard & Pine. It was incredible....they estimated over 2 million people were there, and I swear they underestimated! I have never seen so many people in my life. In fact, Septa had to shut down trains going into Philly (I think we got the last one) and then there were like 5+ hour waits to return! I was lucky - I waited about an hour & a half for each way. But....if we waited 28 years for another Philly Championship, I can wait three hours for the parade trains!!! GO PHILLIES - MAKE IT HAPPEN AGAIN IN '09!!
Me, Amy (my best friend) and her 10 month old, Shane.

J-Roll!! 2007 MVP & Proud Philly Shortstop!

Charlie Manuel - Phillies Manager

Pat "the Bat" Burrell!

1 comment:

Dayna said...

Thanks for the pics Val!!!
that's so cool you were at the parade - I had heard the trains had to stop - my aunt Janet couldn't get there because of it.
WooHoo - go Phillies!!!

Love Ya