Sunday, November 9, 2008

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Palm!

What a weekend! Thanks, Aunt Reenie & Uncle Dave for hosting a great party for Debbie & Keith! I'm not sure if everyone knows that Aunt Kathy & Uncle Cliff surpised Debbie & Dayna with their visit. It was wonderful! Good job to Aunt Kathy for keeping it a secret!! I have some pictures below, but they will not do the weekend justice! I also have a couple videos that I will add later. It was so nice to see my FL family - I love you guys!!! Thank you!!!
Jennifer made this cake from scratch. Impressive!

No alcohol for you, Debbie!!

I don't know how Mike kept his sanity sitting next to those two during that game....

Second cousins rule!!!

Even if they hate me!! One day Addison will love me - I'll be her favorite!

Strayer shot! With married in's. Welcome Christina & Keith!!!

At this point, these two are "old heads" in the family....

Let me also take a minute to welcome Christina to our family. What a great girl! She's kind of like Katie....not shy, but not overwhelming. She's not afraid to be herself, and herself is a fun, confident girl! We love you, David, and we are happy you have an amazing wife!!!


Dayna said...

Great post Val!!!
It was so cool that you came down
what a blast.

love you lots

Donna said...

What great pictures. Thank you for sharing.

mare2 said...

Great pics. I miss you guys.

Donna said...

I forgot to ask who did the cake. It is gorgeous!!

Maureen said...

Jenn made the cake. Isn't it awesome?!