Sunday, November 9, 2008

Goin' Bananas!!!

Little Stevie had a great first Halloween! He was dressed as a little monkey - and he was the cutest little monkey we've ever seen!!! He got lots of candy from him family, and Mom & Dad are enjoying all of it. Little Stevie says his favorite candy is Recees Pieces. So good!!!!


Dayna said...

He is the cutest little monkey I've ever seen too. Thanks for the pic.


Donna said...

He is the cutest little monkey ever. I am still really upset that I didn't have any candy for him. I haven't had holloweeners for years now and your visit was a pleasant surprise. You won't catch me off guard next year.

Kathy said...

I don't think it would matter what he was dressed as. HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

mare2 said...

Such a cutie...