Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hi Everyone. Well Addison had a great time Trick or Treating tonight. She filled her little Elmo bucket twice, and lucky for me there weren't too many Butterfingers (because I'd be eating them!). It's a cool night, maybe high sixties so it was good for trick or treating. The neighborhood has a bon fire going in the lot between Bob and Lisa's and our houses. It looks like the kids are planning to have a "camp night" as they have the tents set up behind the camp fire. We'll see how long they last. I give them to 1pm. We had lot's of trick or treaters.....they're still coming!

That's all for now.



Kathy said...

Addison's the cutest Elmo I've ever seen!!!!
Thanks for the pic Angela.

Love ya,

Dayna said...

Thanks Ange!!!
she is so adorable.
see you on friday night!!


mare2 said...

She is adorable...
Looks just like her Aunt Mare