Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone. seems like I haven't blogged in a while! It's been busy here in FL. We've got's lots of activities going on (as usual) these last three months of the year. For Halloween our department at work is dressing up as Mother Goose Nursery Ryhmes. I'm suppose to be Mother Goose but I haven't figured out how to do that just yet. I may be the Old Women in the Shoe. It should be fun. I'll share some pics afterwards.

For November we have a little "wedding shower/party" for the newlyweds, Debbie and Keith. Debbie is planning a bigger shindig after the babies are born (so she can enjoy the libations with the rest of us!) so watch for the invite. We also have another party that is a suprise for someone and I won't mention who since I don't know who reads our blog. For December we have our big Christmas Party at the house (about 70 people show up!). And then of course we head to PA for our family christmas party, which we love. So needless to say, it will be busy. But I'll be sure to blog when I can. Oh yeah...there's our 2010 family vacation that I'm planning to. We have 12 people say they'd be in and 2 possibles. I'm thinking about a Carribean cruise in March of 2010. I'll put that out as a vote and if we have a go, I'll start looking into details, cost, etc.

That's it for now. I'm sharing some pics of Addison as well. She's growing so fast and is a blast.

Love you all!

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