Thursday, October 16, 2008

News from South Africa

Hi Everybody,

I’ve tried putting photos on the family blog or even email but our internet and electricity connections here are not good. So, I’ll just write this at least to let you know that we are still fine. Our session closed today with a big Mass and meal, which included all priests and sisters from the diocese. Very beautiful.

Tomorrow I will take a short flight to Joannesburg in order to see Sister Eugenia. This is our first and oldest South African Sister whom I lived with in Nzhelele for 8 years. She is in a Nursing Home and no longer knows anyone but I’ll know her. There is an Irish Sister coming with me who also lived with Eugenia after I returned to the States and this Sister (Miraed) will fly back to Ireland after our visit to Eugenia. I’ll return on the evening flight to Mooketsi (where we are living and giving the sessions).

Then on Saturday, after a morning meeting to evaluate the session, Gerardine and I are booked into a bed and breakfast near Tzaneen for four days and three nights to have a short break before Joannes and Roland and our next group of participants begin to arrive. Marife returns to the Philippines tomorrow to prepare the way for us in the Philippines when we go there in January to repeat this program. However, there is another Filipino sister joining us for our session beginning next week here.

If you need an emergency phone number for me, you can contact me here at the center:
011 27 5 395 2408.

Love seeing all your photos on the blog.

Much love,

1 comment:

Kathy said...

It's great to hear from you Linda.
Thanks for the update!
I hope you and Gerardine get a lot of rest on your break. Sounds like you've been pretty busy!!!

Lots of love,