Monday, November 23, 2009

Well it's official... Mini ( our cat ) is almost 9 months old and still only 1 -1/2 pounds. I went to Guinnes Book of World Records and found that the smallest cat on record weighs in at 3lbs. So
I will be putting our very own Mini in for the world record as soon as she is a year old. They have all sorts of rules and such so I have to follow them to the T. Who would of thought we Stayer's would leave a mark like that in this world.... I don't have a pic to post, I will have to get Aunt Donna over here with her camera, so everyone can see Mini. She is sitting on my shoulder at the moment watching me type this.

Everyone, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs and Kisses to all.

Aunt Mare


Jennifer said...

That's awesome!! I can't wait to see her. When we come up in June I can meet your baby and you can meet mine ;)

Maureen said...

That is so funny! She is so cute she deserves to go down in the history books!