Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween (and Birthday for Gini!)

Happy Belated Birthday Gin Gin......Sorry I missed it! I love you and will call you tomorrow. I just got my phone back (lost for 2 weeks!).

Here are some pics of Addison. We could only manage to get two picture and the one isn't that great (princess) but she wasn't in the mood for a picture. And the second picture (Pebbles) she was wired on candy so we couldn't get her to be serious. We took about 10 pictures of her with silly faces (I added one where she was rolling her eyes) until we finally got one decent picture.



Donna said...

So thats where you have been. I called awhile ago so how about returning it sometime. Anyway, I missed your birthday and Gini's birthday. Happy birthday to the two of you and I am sorry I missed it. Thank you for the pictures, they look great. Keep posting.

mare2 said...

Too Cute.

Unknown said...

They are priceless photo !! Very cut Photo .