Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome to our beautiful twins

Our newest family members have arrived and they are so precious!!!!!!! Cliff & I can’t wait to get down there!!!!

Katelyn Grace or Kaitlin Grace (not sure hew they are spelling her name yet) was born at 5:48 am on March 18, 2009. She weighed 5 lbs. 2oz. and was 18” long.
Emily Morgan was born at 5:59 am on March 18, 2009. She weighed 4 lbs. 2oz and was 17½” long.
They are both so beautiful and have long brown hair just like Debbie did when she was born.

I will attempt to upload the first pictures I have of them. Emily is in the forefront and Katelyn is in the back. You can zoom in on each of the babies to get a good look.

We love you Debbie & Keith!!!!!!!


Donna said...

Love the pictures. So happy everyone is doing well and congrats to Debbie and Keith.

Valerie said...

SO EXCITING!! I love these little girls so much!!! I will meet them in May!!!! YAY!!!!

Maureen said...

Angela and I went to see our new little girls (and Debbie too) last night. They are so adorable! When we had gotten there Debbie hadn't gotten to see them yet but before we left they wheeled Emily in to see her. Wow.....! What a beautiful experience... one I will always remember. I wish I could have seen Kaitlyn as well (other than behind the glass) but she wasn't ready to come out of her warmer yet. Hopefully it wasn't long after we left that Debbie got to see her as well.

Debbie's doing well too and they hope to have her home tomorrow, but I'm thinking it will be Saturday. I'm in Jax until tomorrow so I'll update the blog when I hear.