Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Portraits!!

Prince Stephen got his portrait taken again!!! Here's a couple of the poses.

BABY TEETH!!! He only has three so far, all on the bottom! Chompers.

Smartest 8 month old ever - he can even spell his name! Take note, Aunt Mare, on HOW TO SPELL IT. (Aunt Mare still, STILL spells my name wrong after almost 33 years).
I think we can all agree that Bubbers is the current baby hottness until those two precious girls pop outta Debbie soon!!!!


Kathy said...

I think its a given that little Stephen will be hot for a long long time!!!! After all his last name is White!!! and he has lots of Strayer in him too. Add that to Katie's side and WOW!!!
Debbie's girls are going to be BEAUTIFUL!!!! We so can't wait to meet them!!!!

Linda said...

I just received a package back that I sent to little STEPHEN at Christmas but I'll bring it in person. Can't wait to see him up close and personal!

Much love,
Aunt Linda

Maureen said...

He is soooo cute! I just want to squeeze him.