Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dear Addison...

Little have a very big job ahead of you! You are the lead cousin of the second string. It's unfortunate that David & Chris are more considered the first string, given they grew up with the first string and are indeed older than Paul, Allie & Ted.

It's a big job, but guess what? It's awesome! You are like the Dayna, which means you get to call the shots & keep them all in line at family functions. Right now under your reign you have Bubbers, Kaitlyn & Emily. You also have a cocooning soon to be in Katie's tummy.

Enjoy the limelight, Addison! You are Queen of Second String!!! I will have to make you a shirt.


God bless all the babies, the kids, and the grown ups. We're a patchwork quilt of personalities with the strongest common thread you could ever imagine. I love us.


Maureen said...

So true Valerie! I'll have to make sure she carries through on her responsibilities. It's weird to think about though....our kids (you guys) not being the kids. What does this do to the kids table? Hummmm.... do we have a middle table? Or to the old people move to a different table? We'll have to think about that one!

Valerie said...

where ever the kids table is - thats where my mom belongs!

Linda said...

I knew it was Valerie watching out for the family tree. We also have a new little one arriving in August via Christina and David. Cheers for the new generation...
First comes the baby boomers who are Linda, etc....; then Generation X is Valerie, Stevie, Dayna, Debbie, Jennifer and Angela; Generation Y is David, Christopher ; Generation Z is Addison, Kaitland and Emily, little Stephen V, new babies to come. Hope I'm right.

Love Grandmom and Linda

Valerie said...


Maureen said...

Where does Ted and Alley fit in? I guess technically they're with the Gen X group (first line of cousins) but their age would put them between the Gen Y group and the Gen Z group. Hummmmm. Maybe they can be Gen Y.1.