Sunday, May 11, 2008

Q's Bash

First, I would like to echo Aunt Linda's Mothers Day wishes to all of you. Thanks for everything you tolerate with us brats!!! Good job, Grandmom!

Also, yesterday was Little Q's 21st B-Day Bash. Let me just tell you how trippy it was to see my little tiny baby cousin Q holding....a beer???? Made me feel OLD. Anyway, it was a Cinco De Mayo theme, and in protest I was forced to do one of the things I hate most in my life...taking a picture of a cake! Ugh. Aunt Donna - you owe me!!

Bring on the pictures - ( keeps flipping the one of the cake probably hates it, too!)


Linda said...

Hey Q. You look handsomer than ever in that Mexican hat and poncho. Happy Birthday big time to you and may your 21st be one to remember all your life.

Much love,
Aunt Linda

Donna said...

Thank you Valerie!!

Maureen said...

Wow! 21....That's unbelievable.. Have fun but stay safe.

Donna, what's up with the bottle? You're looking awfully protective of it.

Love you guys. Thanks Valerie for sharing.
