Monday, October 22, 2007

What's Up?

Hi everyone! I know it's been a while since I've posted but it been a little CRAZY at work. Anyway, last Friday night me, Jennifer and Angela took a trip to Tampa to see the "So you think you can Dance" tour. Actually, since I was working in Jax all last week I actually flew back to Tampa and Jenn and Ange picked me up at the Airport. We had a great time. We all watched the show while it was on so it was fun to see the tour show, even if our favorites didn't win. Jenn was going to post some pics since she was the official photographer......we'll see if you get to see any.

Jenn and Mike have their annual (2nd) Halloween Party this coming weekend. We're still working on figuring out who's going to be what. But we do know there will be a pumpkin carving contest, and lot's of good food. Mike had a little accident on his dirt bike and tore is calf ligiments (or something like that). He's on crutches and will be for about 6 weeks; longer if he doesn't stop trying to put weight on his foot.

Bad news/Good news for Angela. The bad is that she was layed off last week from her CSR position with Terminix. This was tough for her since she has developed some great relationships and friendships with her co-workers there. They were all crushed as well but Terminix outsourced their customer service function and since Angela held this role, she was impacted. On a good note however, when the residential office (she worked in the commercial office) heard that Angela had been displaced they quickly put a justification together to transfer her to their team in Apopka. They have been trying to recruit Angela since she came back from maternity leave but the Commercial division didn't want to give her up and Angela liked her team. But things happen and it worked out in the end. She started her new job today and it went well.

Addison Update! She is still soooooo adorable and hugable! Mom, I had her laughing yesterday in her little jumper. I'm attaching a video for you to see. We've got her costume for Holloween. Instead of Piglet she is going to be Winnie the Pooh's honey pot. It's really adorable and as soon as we have it on her I'll post a pic.

That's all for now. I'll post more after the party this weekend.

Love you all!


Jennifer said...

I will post pics of the SYTYCD tour...Seriously!! When I get home tonight...maybe :)

Valerie said...


Donna said...

Ok, I'm totally confused. The first video is our Addison but the other ones are an imposter baby. Anyway, she is sooo cute.

Ange, I am sorry about your layoff but very happy it worked out for you.

Sounds like you guys had a great time in Tampa. Q and Jess went to this when it was in Philly. They said it was really good too.

Take care - will see you soon

mare2 said...

She is soooooo cute.....

Donna said...

Jenn - Where are the pics. Mike, I hope your leg feels better. Stay off it for crying out loud.

Linda said...

I think Maureen was having more fun than the baby, throwing those plastic rings back and forth. Love the giggles.

I think if I had a grandchild, I'd just have to quit work and offer to babysit all day so I could play with her (or him).

Much love,