Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Cliff & I have lived in our house for 14 years. The most trick or treaters that we had were maybe five. This year we had only 3 and they came all together. Well I am so happy that they were able to see my pumpkins. I carve my heart into these pumpkins every year and no one sees them. Tis year we had 3 kids and Mom is here so that makes 4!!! I was so happy that Cliff knew how to take these pictures and that Donna tought me how to upload. Now you can all view my life talent.
And Addison is so cute I can't stand it!!! I just want to hold her! We can't wait till everyone is here for Christmas!!
Love to all of you,


Maureen said...

You're pumpkins are fantastic! I'm very impressed. We had lot's of trick or treaters but I don't think as many as last year because we have more candy left. But of course Dave was handing out the candy so that might be the difference!

Jennifer said...

Aunt Kathy your pumpkins are AWESOME. I wanted to have a pumpkin carving contest at the Halloween party but it didn't work out. You would have definitely won!!

Donna said...

Kathy - The pumpkins look great. I've been looking for Mom. At least I know where she has been hiding. No trick or treaters for me. It started last year, I maybe had 1, prior to that I was running out of candy. This year I went carpet shopping with Q.

Linda said...

Your pumkin carving are great Kathy and I can't believe you do all that work every year that nobody sees. You could publish a book on pumpkin carving and make a mint.

Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Great job Mom!!
They look really cool.
Lots of love,

Valerie said...

Aunt Kathy - you are the coolest. I am so proud of you and proud that you shared this with us!! We are all so talented in different ways. We are truly the BEST family ever!!!

I love you all.