Wednesday, October 31, 2007

News from PA

Ok Reen - Here is some news. Brianna got her drivers licence on the first try yesterday. She was nervous but held it together and passed with flying colors.

Of course when she came home she took up the whole driveway like she owned it. I'm going to have to teach her the age rule.

Nothing else much going on with us although I am surpised that Cliff hasn't posted anything at all to do with the Eagles. He could have had a hay day with some of the performances lately. He calls me often and just laughs which is ok. He has been very nice about it actually. Go Greenbay! At least my 2nd favorite team is doing well.

Christmas Party is sneeking up on us. Only about 6 weeks to go. Call me to let me know what you are bringing. We are going with the fiesta theme but I will be making something traditional too.

Take care and love to everyone.



Kathy said...

Way to go Brianna!!!!

Maureen said...

Brianna's driving? That's unbelievable!

Can't wait until the Christmas Party. I'll give you a call tomorrow. I miss talking to you! I've actually been really really busy lately but it's slowing down a little.

Take care,

Linda said...

Congratulation Brianna! I think it took me at least twice to get my license, then when I went to South Africa I failed again the first time (in a VW) when I knocked down a post while reversing with a stick shift. I'm proud of you!

Much love,
I'm proud of your Mom too for letting you share the driveway.