Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ireland Retreat and visit

Hi Everybody,

I'm back from my retreat and visit to the Sisters in Ireland (my province). The retreat was great and the retreat center was beautifully situated across from Dublin Bay and right next to the famous Saint Anne's Rose Gardens. I downloaded a few photos of Saint Anne's Rose Garden from the web but unfortynately they wouldn't stick on to this Blog so you'll just have to imagine acres of roses all arranged beautifully.

My visit to our old Sisters was emotional as I had worked with many of them in South Africa and now they are old and really feeble. Some are in the Nursing Home and totaly incapacitated.
They get excellent care however and I was glad to see them so well cared for.

There is good news and bad news regarding my thumb. The fracture is totally healed and the cast is off (the good news) however due to arthritis, immobility and the way the cast was put on, I now have a swollen and really crooked thumb. I'll need physioterapy and possibly some surgery into the future. I have another appointment with the specialist on August 30th. So what else is new.

Other than my crooked thumb, I'm doing fine and waiting for our visas from Congo to come through.

Much love to everyone.


Donna said...

Hi Linda - Glad to hear you had a nice retreat, Ireland sounds pretty. Your poor thumb. Did they put the cast on wrong? Why did it go crooked - I hope it doesn't hurt too bad. Arthritis stinks, sadly I think we are prone to it. Take care.

Valerie said...

While I hope it doesn't cause you any pain, I think it's kind of cool that you have a crooked thumb!! "Did I ever tell you about my aunt...the one with the crooked thumb??" Haha, hang in there, Aunt Linda!! We love you!!

Maureen said...

We can alway name you "Crooked Thumb Linda." (Just kidding!) I agree with Donna, arthritis is the pits. I'm sure Ireland was beautiful! I'll check the Web for those rose gardens.

Love ya,