Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hello everyone. Reen is right, we need to post more often. Well I am off for a nice long weekend and I sure can use it. I have been spending way too much time at work. The slime ball accountant is still free but not for long.

Well school is starting and Brianna is in denial. I have been trying to get her to go "school shopping" for a couple of weeks now and all she does is moan. I believe we will be going tomorrow but we shall see. Q started back today and said it went well. He went through a frenzy of Xbox for the week prior as he will now have no time to play. At least I get my TV back - well sort of - Big Q has been going through channel flicking withdrawl so therefore I will have no chance of getting the remote.

I have been thinking of the Christmas party and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the main course. Throw your ideas at me but don't make it too difficult - Me and Reen in the morning are not the best when it comes to timing - I think we needed Q to save a roast one year.

Take care and everyone start posting.

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