Thursday, August 30, 2007


Yes - Valerie is older than you think.

So...Aunt Arden's house....Yes, I remember the deck and the picnic table and the fence and the dogs (don't know if they were Aunt Arden's or if someone brought them) and mean Angela. I remember being sent in the house to play with her, which was hard because she would not let me play with her toys. She especially did not let me play with her Lite Brite. I also remember trying to differentiate all the second cousins, like "Ronnie" and "Dustin". I thought "Dustin" was a very exotic name - at first I didn't understand that it was a name, I thought it meant dusty.
If I had paper I could probably draw you Aunt Arden's back yard.
AND ---- I remember when I didn't get to ride in the van with cool Aunt Donna, cool UQ, cool Aunt Maureen and waaaay cool Uncle Dave on the way there because they were listening to Eddie Murphy "Raw" on tape and I didn't understand what could possibly be so bad that I couldn't hear? I think I cried over it.

So yes, AD ---- I remember.


Maureen said... have a great memory! Some of my best memories are of Aunt Arden's house. I think I could right a book.

Unknown said...

thanks Valerie - you just opened up a whole bunch of wonderful memories, and i'm right there with you on being able to draw Aunt Arden's back yard.

Donna said...

Wait a minute - I don't remember a deck. Was there a deck???

Maureen said...

I think it was back by the mulberry tree.