Monday, August 27, 2007

Addison Update

I am happy to say that I got to spend most of my weekend with Addison. I had her all day on Sunday. We went to Olive Garden for lunch with Jenn and Cheyenne and had a great time. Jennifer was proud to be the first to introduce her to Olive Garden. I have a feeling she'll be spending lots of time there over the years.

Then we took a trip to Target to pick up a "few things"! Well, I got none of the things on my list but Addison picked out two new outfits, a new floor activity gym and a comb and hairbrush set. We quickly put her hairbrush to use that evening after her bath.


Valerie said...

What a cool, cool kid. I love her.

Donna said...

Maureen - You need to stay away from Target. Two more outfits? I thought you bought enough to last her a year the last time.