Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where is Everyone

Was wondering why we are not hearing from anyone except Valerie and Reen. Come on guys this is a fun thing to do.

We had a great picnic on Sunday. The weather held out until later that night. Do you guys know (I heard this from someone who claims they did research) that we have only had 4 nice (no rain) memorial day weekends in the past 35 years. I haven't had time to check it out myself but thought it was quite interesting.

Also learned this weekend that you must beware of the Snapple fun facts - there not all true. I had one that said a mosquito has 47 teeth - of course I believed it and immediately ran out to find the newest arsenal of the season. We are trying the off laterns along with the off coils. They seemed to do a good job but we shall see.

Gotta Go and come on everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Linda said...

Hi Everybody,
This is my first time posting and I'll be thrilled if it really works. Thanks a million Maureen for all your help. As you may all know already (Mom's bush telegraph), my arm is now in a cast because I fell and broke my left thumb. Some people have all the (bad) luck!!! Anyway, I'm off to Romefor meetings (June 1-10)and will write on my return, perhaps including a photo or two. Love to you all, Linda

Maureen said...

I heard you had a great Memorial Day picnic and by the way, I think that you were suppose to call me on Tuesday. I may be wrong but I think that is what Valerie said in a garbled sort of way, calling from the party where everyone was feeling rather happy!!

Donna said...

It was a good one. Stevie and Katie followed it up with a picinic of their own the next day. They have a great yard and bought a full size volleyball net. Gini came and started an awesome card game. I say awesome because I kicked their butts.