Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Linda's In!!!

Hi Everybody,

I think this is the right spot now - geeezzzzzzz - I can't believe I'm finally in. Thanks Maureen for all your help. As you probably know (from Mom's bush telegraph) after breaking my left thumb, I now have a cast, and so am obliged to type with one hand. Gerardine and I will be travelling to Rome for meetings and while there, perhaps the Holy Spirit will inspire me to figure out how to put pictures on the Blog now that I've gotten this far. It really is a WONDERFUL IDEA. Mom will love it, once she gets her computer up and running.

P.S. Here is a joke about Rome and the Holy Spirit. The Pope died and went to heaven and he was talking to the Holy Spirit and telling the Holy Spirit how much he liked the city of Rome. The Holy Spirit said: O yes, its one of those places I'd like to visit one day!!!

OK Maryellen - what's my pennance!

Lots of love,
Aunt Linda


Maureen said...

Welcome aboard!! I'm so excited that you've figured it out. I was worried that it would still show up in French and be confusing.

PS...I liked the joke!

Valerie said...

Oh man - you're so gonna have to answer to the big one....aunt mare!!! hahahaha. love you, Aunt Linda!!! Be safe in Rome. Take a walk on the via appia for me.

Donna said...

Hi Linda - So glad you figured this out. Don't feel bad, I had the same problems. Anyway, a broken thrumb - I know that hurts. Have fun in Rome

mare2 said...

Linda - You really surprise me sometimes. Ask the Holy Spirit!!