Monday, May 7, 2007

My Kids

I have some good news!! This spring I started coaching softball! It's the same league I played for growing up: North Penn Valley Girls Softball Association. I am the very proud coach of 13 girls who are 7 and 8 years old! Our sponsor is Hatfield Quality Meats and as you can see, we're blue. It's coach pitch, so I pitch to them (which is hilarious sometimes). It's fun to teach them the fundamentals...things that most of us take for granted. For example, the difference between tagging the base (force out) or tagging the player for an out. It's not easy to explain the difference, but make sure they ask questions until they understand "why" things are a certain way. Also - the girls have two rules on the team:

1. Have fun!
2. Cheer for everyone!

I'm proud to say they have successfully mastered the rules! We play until June 3rd at which point I will go into separation anxiety because they are amazing. I have truly found something I love - I will be doing this again next season! Oh and the best part - my assistant coaches are BRIANNA & CHELSEA!! As you can imagine, it's nothing but FUN!

Miss everyone.



Jennifer said...

That is so awesome!! Softball Rocks.

Maureen said...

That's so great! I know you guys are having a blast with it. Good luck with the season. Great picture too.

Steve White said...

Just to let you know, Valerie's softball team only lost 1 game this year....their first one. She'll tell you they are not allowed to keep score in this bracket but I do. They rock!!!! Coach Valerie ROCKS.