Friday, May 11, 2007

I Just Can't Help Myself!!

Look at these beauties!!


mare2 said...

There so cute!!! :):):)

mare2 said...

Hello Everyone,

I just have to share this with all of you. After you read the article below Go to this website and look at what this 12 year old has been doing since she was 4. This is Amazing.

Girl Prodigy Gifted With Incredible Art Talent Says 'Secrets' Exist In Paintings

For your discernment:

What's the story on Akiane Kramarik, the child prodigy from Idaho?

We can't yet tell. All we can say is that when this unusual girl of 12 comes to the telephone, there is a joy, humility, and love in her voice that is instantly extraordinary.

That's the beginning of discernment. There is more. For this is a highly unique circumstance. Many of you have heard of her. Akiane, who was born (underwater) at home, on July 9, 1994, in Mount Morris, Illinois, to an atheistic stay-at-home Lithuanian homemaker mother, and an American father, chef, and dietary manager, has become famous for an experience when she was four.

During that experience, claims the girl, God spoke to her -- and gave her artistic talent.

What we know for sure is that afterwards, this bubbling young girl was gifted with an incredible ability to paint lucid portraits, along with insights that for her age are virtually unheard of.

So extraordinary is it that she has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Fox News, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, the Lou Dobbs Show, the Glenn Beck Show, the Hour of Power, the Miracle Channel, TBN, Time Magazine, Today's Christian, and numerous other outlets.

With all the sparkling, with all the starriness, with the twinkling, is it New Age, or simply a transcendental vantage point?

The experience converted her parents. They have lived in Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, and now Idaho, "experiencing poverty and affluence," says her website, which gets about 150 million hits a year.

Every morning, Akiane rises at four a.m. and begins drawing or painting or writing poetry. At the age of eight, she painted the image of Prince of Peace [left]. She exhibits in major galleries and donates part of the proceeds from art sales to charities. She also has written two books. Her ability to speak foreign languages (Lithuanian and Russian) and to converse like an adult is striking.

But let's get to the heart of the matter.

What Akiane speaks about now, mainly, is the Lord.

"One day, I just had this dream or vision," she says. "I saw a big bolt of light and felt filled with wisdom. It showed me my future, what I would do, and I woke up. It was at midnight.

"He showed me as an artist and painting on big canvasses. Then He gave me the gift of drawing and painting afterwards. I couldn't remember what He looked like."

During her vision, "He just explained to me why I'm here," she told Spirit Daily.

She still has glimpses of her dream. It is the dream, says Akiane, that connects her with the canvass. It is not like a constant revelation. In fact, she is now going through what she calls a "faith stage." "When it all started, my family didn't believe in God or go to church," says Akiane. "We have a connection with God now and it has been powerful. [Left, at age ten; right, a painting called "Faith."]

She was shown not only what would come in her personal life but also in society at large.

"He told me the future of the world and in a thousand years it is going to be so different than what people expect," she exclaims. "I don't think anyone could imagine what to expect."

The road there, she says, is going to be "amazing and terrifying and happy" all at the same time. It will be an entirely different way of relating to God and His Creation. We offer this for discernment.

A whole new way of relating to nature? A cleaner, more peaceful place?

Events in the world -- and even in the weather, she feels -- are tied to a coming change. The "secret" of what is coming is hidden in her paintings, she asserts.

"I think God has given other people the same thing," she told us. "We all have a gift and if we use it the secret of the future will be inside it." They are hidden in her own work, but in a way she too must discern. "Each day I feel what happened the day before," she says about world events. At age nine, she painted the image to the right.

The secrets are also in her poetry.

New Age? Inspired by Christ -- by God? One must always be cautious at a time when particular daytime television shows promote matters that are spiritually deceptive.

There are detractors and even those who have insisted that she destroy her artwork. Others weep for joy upon seeing it. Virtually everyone has trouble believing that a 12-year-old (she'll be 13 in July) could have an artistic portfolio dating back now to age four.

The key to life, she feels, is to "do what's right," to "help people understand that we have to love each other," and simply "to get along together." In a word, love.

Her family's belief now, says Akiane, is a "simple religion."

"I just pray to God, express my feelings, and express my love," she says. "It's like He is my Friend. We should act ourselves when we go to Him. He knows who we are. Just talk to Him."

Talk to Him and wait for miracles.

Having attended both public and private schools, Akiane now is home-schooled with her four brothers, Delfini 16, Jean Lu 14, Ilia 5, and Aurelius, her new baby brother.

A sample of the poetry: "I teach, and they run away. I listen, and they come. My strength is in my silence."


[Akiane's website]

Dayna said...

these pictures have absolutely no business here. By the way - Hi everyone. Love Dayna & Debbie

Donna said...

Love these pic's too. I will have to master putting some photos up.