Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hi Everyone

Finally I am able to post.

Hummmm.... I will call Aunt Donna tomorrow and
ask her to check her mail so she can answer your
question concerning the week to come up for the
Christmas party. We should get that settled now
because Uncle Frank and Aunt Josephine are coming
as well this year.

Please pray for Aunt Margie. She is not doing
well at all and Hospice has been called in. Kathy,
Uncle Sonny and I went to see her today. She is
very weak and isn't expected to last very much
longer. Her body isn't retaining any nutrition now
and it's just a matter of time.

God Bless You All,
Aunt Mare


Valerie said...

That is not good news. I will make sure I pray for Aunt Margie.

Maureen said...

My thoughts and prayers are also with Aunt Margie. I talked to Mom today and it didn't sound like she was doing to well.