Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Angela's Baby Shower

Well, a fun time was had by all at Angela's baby shower. With everything pink in the room, I sure hope Addison doesn't turn out to be a boy!!!!! We had a great time and Ange was showered with lots and lots of great gifts. I didn't get great pictures (really needed Valerie!), but I'll share what I have. Hopefully someone else got some better shots and will send them to me. If so, I'll share them when I get them.
Hope everyone is doing good.
Love ya!


Valerie said...

I wish I coulda been there!! Angela of course looks fabulous. And she is!!

I can't wait to meet the baby!! You can be sure I'm flying down to meet her.

And yea -- you totally needed my skills, Aunt Maureen.

Stay tuned for details on the FIRST ANNUAL WHITE CUP CHALLENGE.....

Maureen said...

White Cup Challenge??? I can't wait!

Donna said...

The pictures are fine. I couldn't have done better myself. Looks like it was a lot of fun. Is there any bets going on for the baby's bday?

Maureen said...

No bet's yet. Should be get one going?