Wednesday, May 23, 2007

1st Annual White Cup Challenge

What did we do in honor of Angela's baby shower????

Sunday, May 20th held the 1st Annual White Cup Challenge. The challenge was Valerie vs. Stevie in a 2.5 hour video scavenger hunt. The hunt was created by Katie & Chelsea and consisted of various strange challenges that had point values corresponding to their difficulty/oddness. We each could choose one partner and we were both equally equipped with a video camera, $70 cash (no credit cards), a car, a license, and one cell phone (no internet!). Whichever team made the most challenges in 2.5 hours that were recorded on tape won.

Examples of the challenges include (but are NOT limited to):
  • Pet a pig
  • Go to the Fast Pitch Baseball in the batting cages
  • Go to A.D.'s house and do a shot with her
  • Run once around the track at Penndale
  • Drink an icee (the Wawa version of "slurpee") in less than two minutes standing on one foot.
  • Talk to an officer in uniform
  • hula hoop for at least 30 seconds

(If you want the entire list, let me or Katie know. It's quite hysterical.)

Anyway, the final score came down to the ending's bonus point/deductions. First team back got a 50 point bonus. Any team late got a 10 point deduction for every minute past 2.5 hours. Stevie & Kevin made it back first (before 2.5 hours) and Kathy & I were ten minutes late (-100 points). Therefore, we lost.

However ---- I have to say after watching both the videos (and I think Brianna, A.D., and even Stevie would agree) my video was WAY more entertaining and we certainly did more challenges than the boys. BUT -- they won. And isn't that ALL that matters??????
Wait 'til next year, boys!!!


Donna said...

I was happy to be a part of this, it was a lot of fun. The idea was great and am looking forward to next years.

Maureen said...

That's fantastic! It sounds like lots of fun. I'd love to be able to join in. I'm looking forward to seeing the videos. Val, you could post them on YouTube and then onto the Blog but I'm still trying to figure out how to post videos.

Maureen said...

Oh yeah...I'd love to have the whole list. Can you put it on the blog or email me at Does Stevie and Katie have a home email account? If yes, I'll send them the invite to the Blog so they can post as well.

Steve White said...

Aunt Maureen....My home email is and katie will just use mine to post(if she ever does). Send me the link so I can start the fun.