Thursday, October 15, 2009

Going to Slovakia

From Oct. 28th to Nov. 2nd, 2009, I will be in Nitra, Slovakia at the invitation of the FDNSC Cana Group to facilitate their meeting around some of the themes given at our Program for Leaders and Formators in South Africa and in the Philippines held this past year. Fifteen “young sisters” from or missioned in Europe will be attending. It will be hosted at the Dom Srdca Jezišovho Retreat Center by our Kiribati Sisters Rotee and Borawa of the Retreat Center staff. We are looking forward to a great welcome in Kiribati-Slovakian style. This will be my first time venturing that far east into Europe. I'm really looking forward to going, though this week they have already had snow. On the way to Nitra, I'll be staying with our Sisters in Crépy (near Paris) and I'll travel together with a sister from there who is also attending. After the meeting in Nitra I will return to France and hope to have 2 WEEKS VACATION. Fr. Joannès is going to the "hot springs" near Lyon for rheumatism therapy (paid for by the terrific French Health Insurance System), and Gerardine and myself are going to accompany him! We'll all stay in a house by ourselves on the grounds of the hot springs.

Lots of love,


Donna said...

I know you won't forget to post some pictures for us so that we can share in your travels. Sounds great. Much Love and safe trip(s).


Maureen said...

How exciting! And to think, you get vacation after all that travel! Enjoy your trip! We love you.....Reen and Dave

mare2 said...

Have a wonderful time Linda.
Miss you lots...
