Monday, October 26, 2009

Jenn's Baby Shower

We had a lots of fun at Jenn's baby shower and baby Brown made out pretty good! But believe it or not I barely have any pictures. I thought I was taking pictures with Angela's camera, but obviously I don't know how to use it because there's no pictures there! There was someone taking pictures. I remember the camera was black but can't remember who the person taking the pictures was! Anyway, I got a few that I'll share. We had about 25 adults, not counting the guys that stayed and watched a game on the TV in the office, and about 12 kids (6 of them 7 months or younger!)

Hope you enjoy the pictures. I'll send some updates of Addison soon.


The theme of the shower was a jungle theme, which is the same theme of baby Brown's bedroom. The shower cake was made by Angela, with lots of help from her mentor Jenn......yes, she helped make her own cake but she wouldn't have it any other way!!! The did a fantastic job....

This was a diaper cake that we made out of cloth diapers. I thought it turned out pretty good if I don't say so myself! Baby brown will have lots of burp cloths!!

Jenn in the mix of all her great gifts!


Donna said...

Wow - It looks like it was a good time. Bummer about the pictures. Would like to see a pregnant Jenn picture. The two you have she is surrounded by all the great gifts. Wish I was there.

Donna said...

I forgot to say how great the cakes look. You guys should start a business.