Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Twins

You can look but don't touch my sisters ok?

We could've stayed right there forever!!!

Were kinda tired!!!!!!!!!
How happy is Debbie??????
Life is good!!!!!!!
Happy Easter
I love my daddy!!!!
Mommy feels so right!!!!


Valerie said...

I get to meet them soon! I am in FL the week before Memorial Day.

Donna said...

Beautiful. Keep them coming!

Maureen said...

Great pictures Kathy. They are so adorable! I know that you guys are really missing them.

mare2 said...

You've got your hands full there Miss Debbie. They are beautiful.
Paul and I will be down in July and will see you then.

Aunt Mare

Linda said...

Great Grandmom says its easy to tell them apart, you just have to look to see, who's cuddling up to who.

They are really adorable.

Linda and Great Grandmom