Saturday, April 4, 2009

Somewhat Recent Pics of the Twins!!

OK - I have apparently been lax in my duties as a new aunt by not getting recent pictures of Kaitlyn and Emily on the blog, but in my defense I have been a little busy, and keep forgetting my camera. Emily is on the left and Kaitlyn is on the right - these were taken 2 days ago - again with the forgetting my camera thing, I think I need to tie it around my neck or something. Anyway - for those of us who don't read the post comments Kaitlyn has gained 7 ozs and now weighs 5lbs9ozs, Emily has gained 10ozs and now weighs 4lbs13ozs. And in case anyone is wondering, I am completely in love with my beautiful nieces!!!


Donna said...

Finally. They are so cute and I am in love with them too.

Valerie said...

first of all, I need to be there right now. technology has come far, but i want some betwitched style nose twinkle to get me in Florida, STAT!!!

Dayna, please kiss them endlessly for me. They are my favorite twins ever.