Sunday, January 18, 2009

News from Manila

Hi Everybody,

Well, we've been here for 10 days now and I'm loving the warm temperatures. Having left Paris when it was -10°, you can understand my contentment. Our session is going fine. 18 participants from 7 different countries - India, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Fiji, Cameroun, and Australia. I get a walk every afternoon after lunch and the food is healthy too - lots of rice and fish. Yum..............

The Philipppines is a land of contrasts, and though we have seen a few very luxuriant enclaves, the majority of Filipinos are poor. Today we travelled 20 minutes by Jeepney ( a story for next time - and maybe a photo) to the city dump. 70 000 people live there and scavenge what they can find from the mountains of trash. The stench is horrific but the people there welcomed us warmly and we celebrated our Sunday Mass with them in a small chapel at the base of a large rubish heap. Two of our MSC priests minister in the parish that includes the city dump and they are also involved in helping some of the residents to get a home and employment away from that place. They have a program whereby teenagers can finish high school and be employed by businesses in Greater Manila. It was very sad for us to see so many people living like this
and the visit there today has left a deep impression on all of us.

We don't have good internet connection here but fortunately the portable computer that I'm using is equipped with WiFi. I'm out on the balcony of my room siting with the laptop and hooking into the signal from the neighbor, who must have installed WiFi in their house. Lucky me.

Will write again next Sunday.

Much love to all,


Valerie said...

Aunt Linda - I can't wait to see you! Only a couple of months! Stay safe. Love ya.

Dayna said...

Hi Aunt Linda!!!
I'm glad you're warmer - but it dosen't sound like Manila is a very nice place to be - hope to see you soon.