Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hi Everyone! Well, the holiday's are behind us and the New Year is beginning. I wish everyone the best year ever! We had a good Christmas in Florida and loved having Mom here with us. Jenn topped the Christmas Dinner with her Santa cake, which was chocolate with coconut topping, her dad's favorite. Check out the picture.

Addison debuted in her Christmas dress, which she wore for about 10 minutes on Christmas day! But she looked really cute in it. We found a new game (Bri - it's the one we got you for Christmas), The Big Taboo. We had a blast....especially playing with Mom. You'll have to go easy on the timer with her, especially when she's drawing. It's a true piece of art for her! I'm thrilled with my Wii and Wii Fit. I've only gotten as far as making my Mii but I'm looking forward to using it soon; once things settle down a bit and I get all of the house put back together. Here's some pictures of Addison. Once I get some from Christmas I'll post them too.

And you have to check out this picture of Addison running away from Santa. I couldn't even get her close! She was scramblng to get away. But she looked real cute in her shades. Luckily we didn't wait in any long lines. We actually rode in the golf cart up to the town center where Santa visits each year.
She calmed down once we were back at the house.
Well today was a busy day....We went for facials and massages today (Christmas presents!) and than Mom and I took Debbie, Keith and Dayna to register at BabiesRus. So be sure to check out what the twins are going to need!! Her shower is going to be in February when Kathy and Cliff are here.

Well that's all for now. Love you all and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Thanks for the update Reen and all the pics. Addison is soooo cute and she looks like she grew another couple of inches. What a beautiful child!!!!
Cliff & I can't wait to see everyone in Feb. We'll be there from the 17th to the 23rd. And after that, it won't be long before we come down again for the arrival of THE TWINS!!!! We are sooooo excited!!!!