Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hi Everyone. Well Addison had a great time Trick or Treating tonight. She filled her little Elmo bucket twice, and lucky for me there weren't too many Butterfingers (because I'd be eating them!). It's a cool night, maybe high sixties so it was good for trick or treating. The neighborhood has a bon fire going in the lot between Bob and Lisa's and our houses. It looks like the kids are planning to have a "camp night" as they have the tents set up behind the camp fire. We'll see how long they last. I give them to 1pm. We had lot's of trick or treaters.....they're still coming!

That's all for now.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

OK---what I don't understand is ARE THERE NO PHILLY FANS OUT THERE??!!??
Yeah Phillies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Addison's Growing up.

Hey guys it Ange. Here are the pictures my mom was trying to post. I also included a video of Addison playing with papa's tool. She thought they were bubbles and just could not figue out why nothing was coming out.

Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone. seems like I haven't blogged in a while! It's been busy here in FL. We've got's lots of activities going on (as usual) these last three months of the year. For Halloween our department at work is dressing up as Mother Goose Nursery Ryhmes. I'm suppose to be Mother Goose but I haven't figured out how to do that just yet. I may be the Old Women in the Shoe. It should be fun. I'll share some pics afterwards.

For November we have a little "wedding shower/party" for the newlyweds, Debbie and Keith. Debbie is planning a bigger shindig after the babies are born (so she can enjoy the libations with the rest of us!) so watch for the invite. We also have another party that is a suprise for someone and I won't mention who since I don't know who reads our blog. For December we have our big Christmas Party at the house (about 70 people show up!). And then of course we head to PA for our family christmas party, which we love. So needless to say, it will be busy. But I'll be sure to blog when I can. Oh yeah...there's our 2010 family vacation that I'm planning to. We have 12 people say they'd be in and 2 possibles. I'm thinking about a Carribean cruise in March of 2010. I'll put that out as a vote and if we have a go, I'll start looking into details, cost, etc.

That's it for now. I'm sharing some pics of Addison as well. She's growing so fast and is a blast.

Love you all!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Maureen and Gini

Happy Birthday to Maureen (belated from the 5th) and to Gini on the 31ST 5IN CASE I don't get back on-line before that). May you both be happy and live another 50 years each!!!

Much love,

News from South Africa

Hi Everybody,

I’ve tried putting photos on the family blog or even email but our internet and electricity connections here are not good. So, I’ll just write this at least to let you know that we are still fine. Our session closed today with a big Mass and meal, which included all priests and sisters from the diocese. Very beautiful.

Tomorrow I will take a short flight to Joannesburg in order to see Sister Eugenia. This is our first and oldest South African Sister whom I lived with in Nzhelele for 8 years. She is in a Nursing Home and no longer knows anyone but I’ll know her. There is an Irish Sister coming with me who also lived with Eugenia after I returned to the States and this Sister (Miraed) will fly back to Ireland after our visit to Eugenia. I’ll return on the evening flight to Mooketsi (where we are living and giving the sessions).

Then on Saturday, after a morning meeting to evaluate the session, Gerardine and I are booked into a bed and breakfast near Tzaneen for four days and three nights to have a short break before Joannes and Roland and our next group of participants begin to arrive. Marife returns to the Philippines tomorrow to prepare the way for us in the Philippines when we go there in January to repeat this program. However, there is another Filipino sister joining us for our session beginning next week here.

If you need an emergency phone number for me, you can contact me here at the center:
011 27 5 395 2408.

Love seeing all your photos on the blog.

Much love,


Woo Hoo!!! Debbie and Keith were married on October 13th.
Congrats and best wishes to my wonderful sister and my new brother-in-law!!!

Lots of love

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Go Phillies!!!

Debbie & Keith - congrats on your marriage! I wish I could be there to give you a big HUG!! Love you!!!

However - there is something equally as important happening in Pennsylvania. The Phillies are ONE WIN away from another visit to the World Series!!! Yes - I say another, however the last visit was 1993 - an unsuccessful visit, largely due to someone very hideous - Mitch Williams (who Katie loves and we hate each other about this).

I have noticed that on the day that little Stevie didn't wear Phillies stuff, they lost. So I might have to hate Katie for that now, too. Haha - just kidding. I love Katie.

Go Phillies!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pictures of Stevie White V

Hello everyone, sorry for the delayed post but here are some more recent pictures of our son. We love you guys and we'll talk to you later!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Ok, not sure how to answer that post. But I like that you're headed back to FL. See you in May, buddy!! If not before, of course.

Anyway - I hope everyone is well. I have been watching little Stevers grow, watching the Phils win, and watching Debbie post pics of her little tiny babies!!!! I'm so excited!

So - nothing really for me to report other than I love you all and can't wait for the next time I see you all! I will see Mike on Tuesday - get ready, Mikey!! Wooooo Hoooo!!!!
hey guys hows everyone just getting on and stuff. um well were moving back down 2 FL soon b/c Christina's stepmom isn't very mentally stable so we have to get out and we also miss everyone!!