Monday, September 1, 2008

The Vacation

Where should we go for the Strayer vacation? A cruise!?


Jennifer said...

I'm down for's gonna be AWESOME. I've never been on a cruise so that would be cool! Maybe an Alaskan cruise...or a Mediterranean cruise...or maybe I'm going overboard (no pun intended) ;)

Maureen said...

A cruise sounds good to me. I was going to wait until the survey ended and then put a second on out to choose where we should go. I thought of a cruise, Cancun (Q & Donna's spot or Skiing. Any other suggestions to be added to the list?

Donna said...

Cruise would be a lot of fun but so would anywhere.

Valerie said...

No way should we go anywhere cold! Not all of us live in FLORIDA!

Maureen said...

Sounds like it may be a cruise. Maybe my options should be Cruise destinations. I'll work on that. I'm thinking sometime in February or March timeframe. Thoughts? Gotta keep in mind that Q & Jess get married in June.