Thursday, September 25, 2008

More news from South Africa

Here are some photos from our recent weekend visit to Kruger National Park Wildlife Reserve. It is the size of IRELAND. You'll see how dry it is from the photos. I have no idea what the poor animals are eating but they all look pretty healthy! We saw many different kinds of antelope, giraffs, wort hogs, hyena's, large birds of all sorts, even some lions and nearly every kind of animal that made it into the Ark. Really a wonderful visit. One photo is of our camp site. We nearly had to stay in tents but at the last minute most of us managed to get one of these nice little rondovels. Couldn't fit more than 4 photos this time. Much much love,

Much love,



Dayna said...

Very cool photos Aunt Linda!!
Glad to hear you didn't have to sleep in a tent - lions around and all.

Much Love

Kathy said...

Wow what great pictures!!!!!
Is that a yak or buffalo? Anyway, keep em coming!!
O yeah; It's good to know your not in a tent!!!!
Love ya,