Wednesday, September 17, 2008

News from South Africa

Hi Everyone,
Thi is my first opportunity to get on to the Blog since arriving in South Africa on August 2oth. Before beginning our program here in Ave Maria Pastoral Center in Mooketsi in the Northern Transvaal, I had a chance to visit the HIV/AIDS outreach center, situated next to our convent in Tzaneen. There are several of the Sisters here as well as many lay peole involved in the total diocesan effort to combat HIV/AIDS in South Africa and to help those already afflected. There are several facets of the total program including, education in responsible sex and prevention of HIV/AIDS as well as home nursing care aid and of course Holy Family Center for the orphans with HIV /AIDS. I visited that center also where there are 80 children from ages 2 - 17. In the beginning, before the anti-retroviral medications were available to them, so many died but now there is rarely a death and all are leading a fairly normal life. Those who can go home on weekends to extended family members and all attend school and regular classes at the local public schools in the area. One thing we really noticed though is that the little boys really clung on to Fr. Hans. Most of the care givers at the orphanage or women volunteers and the boys who don't have extended family to go to really miss a father figure in their lives.

Right next to our convent in Tzaneen (in the garage actually) a work area has also been set up by the Sisters to teach English and sewing skills to the local women. These wome made very servicable carry bags in Venda colors, for our participants to carry our handbooks and notebooks around in while here. Gerardine has also put in an order for them to make a bunch of beaded bracelets for us to take home to the housekeeping personnel at the Jules Chevalier Center at home.

Our session is now in its fourth week with four more weeks to go with this particular group. You can read more about it under "News" on the Cor Novum website

That's all for now. It's great to see all the photos of the kiddies.

Much much love to all of you,


Kathy said...

Hey Linda, it's really great to hear from you. Sounds like some serious progress has been made in Africa since you were there last. That's great. Can we order some of those bracelets? They would make great stocking stuffers!!!
Maybe on a future blog entry you can add a picture.
Love ya, Kathy

Dayna said...

Hi Aunt Linda,
It's great to here from you. Sounds like everything is going well too!!! Keep on posting!!


Donna said...

Hi Linda - Really glad to hear from you. I am glad there has been such progress in Africa since the last time you were there. Lots of Love,

Linda said...

Yes, lots of progress!
Anyone who wants bracelets can just let me know the number and I'll put the order in. I'll let you know the cost later but they are pretty cheap (probably about $2or $3 each).

Much love,