Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Due date is April 21st!

Hello everyone! It's Debbie & Keith. I am finally blogging again. I believe everyone has heard the news of the twins, if not sorry, I made alot of phone calls that day and was a bit glazed over. The pictures above are from our first doctors appointment. Keith and I are very very excited! Baby A is 9.2 cm which is apparantly 11 weeks and 1 day baby B is 8.1 cm which is apparantly 11 weeks. Baby A is in the top right corner and baby B is in the top left with a picture of them both below. Love you all and talk to you soon.

Debbie & Keith


Kathy said...

Look how beautiful they are!!!!!
I do believe I see the Strayer smile too!
Love you!!!!!!
Mom and Cliff xoxoxoxoxo

Valerie said...

I see the strayer smile, the strayer laugh and...oh yes...the infamous, "I'm laughing so hard I might pee my pants" strayer leg cross!!!


Valerie said...

Oh, and p.s. - my birthday is 4/24 - they will be perfect just like me!!!

Donna said...

Two more Tarus babies - wow. I am so excited for you and Keith. Brianna's b-day is 4/27. Q is 5/5 both Tarus's. The pictures are great and I definetly noticed the Strayer resemblance immediately. Love you,

Maureen said...

This is sooooo exciting! April is going to be a good month. Congrats to both of you. I can't wait to find out if they're boys, girls, or maybe one of each!!! Love you both!
Aunt Maureen

Linda said...

Dear Debbie and Keith,

Congratulations and best wishes with your twins. This will be a first in the Strayer family. How exciting. Take good care of yourself Debbie. Remember, you have to eat now for THREE.

Much love,
Aunt Linda