Friday, May 30, 2008

A recent study found the average American walks about 900 miles per year.Another study found Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of beer a year.That means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon. Kind of makes you proud to be an American

Monday, May 26, 2008

New Address and Phone #

To Everyone I don't have an email address for:

Well the move went very well. Yes, we are experiencing some bumps in the road which should be ironed out by tomorrow. I must say thank you to all. I could not have done this without my family chipping in and helping with this move. That go's to you too Linda as I know you threw in a few prayers along the way. Thanks again everyone. Your very much loved.

Please everyone send me an email at so I can respond and record you in
my address book.

Our new address is:

18 Lynnwood Road
Lansdale, PA 19446

267-222-8110 is the new home phone

Mare, Aunt Mare, Maryellen, Yo AM (as Stevie would say!:)

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Sobel Member

Isn't he adorable!!! We picked him up yesterday and he is the cutest pup. Brianna is on cloud nine and I'm kind of excited myself. Buster has been ok with him except he keeps gathering all of Mason's toys and putting them in a pile on his bed. I think he knows this pup is staying for good.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Q's Bash

First, I would like to echo Aunt Linda's Mothers Day wishes to all of you. Thanks for everything you tolerate with us brats!!! Good job, Grandmom!

Also, yesterday was Little Q's 21st B-Day Bash. Let me just tell you how trippy it was to see my little tiny baby cousin Q holding....a beer???? Made me feel OLD. Anyway, it was a Cinco De Mayo theme, and in protest I was forced to do one of the things I hate most in my life...taking a picture of a cake! Ugh. Aunt Donna - you owe me!!

Bring on the pictures - ( keeps flipping the one of the cake probably hates it, too!)


Dear Mom, Kathy, Gini, Maryellen, Maureen and Donna. A Big Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers. May it be a great day filled with laughter, phone calls and flowers.

Much much love from me.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Katie's Baby Shower

Today was Katie's Baby Shower. It was very nice. Here are some pics. We are such a good looking family!!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Jenn, Ange and I went to see the Broadway Play "Wicked" last night in Orlando. IT WAS AWESOME! Someone at my office is a season ticket holder so before the tickets went on sale to the general public last November, I was able to get tickets through her and the seats were great. I would say we were about 20 rows back and almost in the center. If your going to see a Broadway play, this one's highly recommended. It's the story of the Wicked Witch of the West (from the Wizard of Oz) and gives you a whole new perspective of the Witches (Elphaba's) life. The book is great too, altough not an easy read! I think it was all the munchkin speak that I had trouble with. Anyway, I will say that Angela has banned Addison from watching the Wizard of Oz (because the Witch isn't bad.....just mis-understood!). I'll have to work on her because the Wizard of Oz is still a great movie.

Love you all and I'll see you soon. Dave and I will be there Memorial Day weekend as we're closing on the house on that Tuesday.

Take care,


Friday, May 2, 2008

White House Wild Life

Here are a couple of pictures of a fox playing in my back yard this morning. It was jumping around and digging back there for about a half hour or so. I thought it was pretty cool, so here you go.