Saturday, February 2, 2008

Super Dip

Hey remember how good Aunt Dotti's dip was at our Christmas party?
I'm gonna make it for Super bowl tomorrow and thought I'd put the recipe out there for everone.

Boil together:
1 cp. olive oil - 1/2 cp. cider vinigar - 1/2 cp. sugar - 1/2 tsp. salt & 1/4 tsp. pepper
Set aside to cool.

Rince & Drain:
1 can kidney beans - 1 can black beans - 1 sm. can shoe peg corn

Chop up fine:
1 cp. red pepper - 1 cp. celery - 1/2 cp. onion

Mix everything together and marinate overnight.
Drain off the oil and serve with those scoop chips.
It's the best!!!


Donna said...

Thank you Kathy. Great idea.

Valerie said...

I loved that. I want to eat it but I don't feel like making it!!!

Donna said...

Valerie - I made it. I didn't read the receipe last night so its no marinating overnight but it will have a good 7 hours of marination. Come by and get some.