Friday, February 8, 2008

Baby White's Coming Soon!!!!!

Here they are......Katie and I went to the doctor today for our first ultrasound and here are the results.....A healthy baby!!! We decided to keep it traditional and not find out the sex until the day of delivery!!! I can't wait to find out!!!

Here is a picture of the feet, you can see they are crossed, therefore Katie is saying, "it must be a girl"!!!

Here is a clos up of the babies feet crossed. I had to increase the size for my mother to see them.

Here is a picture of the arm and it's waving to you. The elbow is in the middle of the picture with the forearm extending to the right with a little tiny hand saying hi!!!

Here is a picture of the baby's head. The head is facing up with the nose in the middle of the picture.

Here is a picture of the baby's head and torso on a profile view. The head is on the right side facing up and the chest and belly on the left side of the picture. You are able to see where the chin meets the chest in a V shape area.

That's all for now folks, I will keep you updated as we go. We also found out that Katie is 20 weeks and 5 days prego today from the pictures. Before the pictures she was 19 weeks and 5 days.


Donna said...

This is so exciting. It will be fun watch the baby grow. Can't wait until she/he makes her/his debut.

Dayna said...

OK - that is just so cool.
How very exciting. Congrats
to the both of you. Keep
coming with the updates.

Maureen said...

This is so great! Thanks for sharing the pics. I agree with Donna, it's going to be great watching he/she grow. Did I tell you Mom says it's a girl?

Valerie said...

Auntie Valerie is VERY, VERY excited. I think Grandmom is usually right....!

Kathy said...

This is the best ever!!!
I can't wait for the next doctor visit!!

Linda said...

That's hilarious! You two must be so excited not to mention grandma and grandpa and great grandmom!!!

This must be the first set of ultrasound photos shown on a family blog!

Can't wait to see the bady after he/she is born.

Much,much love,
Aunt Linda