Sunday, January 20, 2008

News from the Frenchie

Hi Everybody,

Just thought I'd write a few lines since I haven't been contributing lately. Lots of comings and goings at Cor Novum these months. Gerardine and Hans are in Australia (talked to them on the phone this morning and both are surviving the heat). Nick goes in and out between France, Ireland and England to give retreats and sessions and Joannès is even getting ready to voyage to Australia to take Hans' place there for the last two sessions. We're sending Joannès business class (he's 78 and Australia is a long way from France - about a 26 hour flight!). I'm staying put until I go to Germany in July to give a retreat and then to South Africa in August, for several months of sessions there.

Got my wash all done yesterday and since I had a cold I thought I'd dump in a capfull of disinfectant to the wash that Gerardine bought last year forgetting that I was ALLERGIC TO IT. Well I put on a pair of pants this morning and within minutes it felt like had a seat full of red ants. Anyway, off came the pants and now I have to do my laundry all over again. Geeeezzzzz!

What's the feeling like for the elections there. CNN here has coverage every minute on the candidates and the real election is still a year away. New Jersey must have plenty of money because to my great surprise I received an absentee ballot by Special Delivery ($25). Normally I just get one by regular post - maybe they're running late this year. Anyway, I sent back my 2 cents worth and may the best woman win!

Thats all for now. Be good and don't forget to say your prayers.

Much love,


Valerie said...

I can't believe you forgot you were allergic to it!!!

Donna said...

Either can I. It must have been awlful and then to have to do all your laundry again. Bet you won't forget again.